
About Sherry

Sherry is a Music educator with 26 years of experience and a driving passion to help every child find their unique learning style. Her eclectic approach provides each student an access point to learning through creative, authentic Arts Integrated strategies, activities and assessments.

As an Arts Integration and STEAM specialist, Sherry aids teachers and administrators in building lessons and strategies with high cognitive demand and natural connections to address the specific needs of the school or classroom.

See More about Sherry below

Accomplishments & Highlights

*Presenter for the Arts Integration and STEAM Winter Summit - “The Pod Squad”. 15 minute video lesson and demonstration of Podcasting int he classroom including strategies, activities and assessments.

*Contributing writer for Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Creating Arts Integrated lessons, resources and strategies for the VDOE website.

*Educator in Residence. Contributing articles for the Accelerator magazine and video lessons and resources for the Institute of Arts Integration and STEAM.

*Educational Testing Service. Instrumental Music and General Knowledge Standard Assessment. Creating cut scores for National Praxis test & question development.

*Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning revision and sample curriculum teams.

*Presenter at state and division professional development in assessment alignment and Arts Integration lesson strategies.


Click below to view Sherry’s full resume & references


Projects and Testimonials


“Smithfield Marches On” Project

“Learning through Arts Integrated lessons helped me to recall information years later and apply to other core subjects as well as humanism” -Katie Dobson-former student.


“Timeline Project”

“Ms. Wozniak (Hatton) is not your everyday Band Director. We learned music simultaneously with other subjects. It was one of the best experiences of my middle school years. I learned and retained information through High School and learned to work together in large groups whether I was the group leader, or a team member” -former student