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Arts Integration and STEAM

Arts Integration is an approach to learning that intentionally and naturally aligns standards with authentic lessons in both core and arts. Equity in teaching and assessment are created to enhance understanding and allow students to demonstrate and apply knowledge through Music, Dance, Theater and Art.

Arts Integration engages teachers and learners alike! It enhances lessons and deepens learning through creativity and critical thinking, and provides numerous access points to leaning for every child.

I look forward to helping you with strategies, ideas, brainstorming, lessons, and curriculum enhancement.

Contact me anytime 757-660-7794

  • Kids playing

    What Is It?

    Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in where students demonstrate their understanding through a form of Art. Collaborative, authentic lessons that are equally taught, and equally assessed provide engaging opportunities and provide multiple access points to learning.

  • Reach diverse learners.

    Engage students of all backgrounds by addressing content through Art, Music, Theater & Dance. Through multiple pathways and natural alignment of standards, learners are able to find meaningful connections to their own lives and at their own ability level.

    New York PS 223, located in the lowest income district of New York state, went from a program of study void of the arts, to an Arts Integrated curriculum. The results showed an 8% improvement in Language Arts, 9% improvement in Math, and less absences overall. Research shows students WANTED to attend school! []

  • Increased student engagement.

    Arts Integrated approaches not only increase student engagement, ownership and visible learning, but also aid learners in developing empathy, sensitivity and awareness of multiple cultural perspectives.

    “We are underestimating the power of music and the arts to provide what our country needs right now, which is healing”

    -Dr. Miguel Cardona, U.S. Secretary of Education.

    Students are empowered to defend and discuss their options of learned content. This increase in cognitive demand also increases creative problem solving skills and levels of engagement.