How can I assist you in your Arts Integration journey?
School wide staff development &
Curriculum Enhancement & Standards Alignment
In each of these areas I will begin with a survey of teachers. Finding out what is working, and what can be improved. Teachers and administrators should understand this is an approach to learning, and not another added thing! My goal is not to add to your task list or change the curriculum as a whole. The process is to replace lessons that are not working. Create engaging lessons with high cognitive demand. In large groups, we will go through the process of naturally aligning standards between core and arts subjects, finding what works best for both subject areas and the comfort level of the collaborating teachers . Together, we’ll create small lessons to start, then broaden those lessons into units in the future. I will also provide ideas and samples of diagnostic, formative and summative evaluations giving equity to both areas, the core and arts subjects. I will follow up with teachers to see what is working, and what may need variations for success.